Is it permissible for girls to buy their private things (undergarments, napkins etc) from male shop keepers?

Buying Garments


I want to ask a question. Is it permissible for girls to buy their private things (undergarments, napkins etc) from male shop keepers? As per my knowledge, they’re not Mahram so they should not buy from them as they will ask more questions about size, color etc and this will create mess in minds. Usually it is seen that when girls come out of shop after buying those things, they make dirty jokes about it. Kindly explain it deeply if girls are allowed or not?



In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

Generally such items are sold in large stores with women assistants. Furthermore, women would surely know sizes so there would not be any reason to seek information from male assistants. If no female assistants are available then shop elsewhere where there is. This is not a solution which needs expert legal intervention. Common sense from one concerned would suffice.


And Allah, the Almighty knows best


(Mufti) Sufyan Ibn Yakub Khapi

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