Should I complete Tawaf of Hajj before the 12th?



1) Is it Wājib to perform all seven rounds of the Tawaf of visitation by Magrib on the 12th of Hajj or just the first 4?


2) Is it also Wājib to perform the Sa’i before Magrib?


3) Finally what if you are delayed due to the time that was allocated to your camp, resulting in you physically not being able to complete Tawaf in time?



In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,


1) It is compulsory to perform all 7 rounds of this tawāf before the sunset time of the 12th of Dhul Hijjah.  If this tawāf was performed after the sunset time of the 12th of Dhul Hijjah without a valid sharī’ah excuse, then in the event of delaying all 7 rounds of this tawāf or 4 or more rounds of this tawāf to after the sunset time of the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, a penalty will be warranted. However, if 3 or less than 3 rounds of the tawāf were left to be performed after the sunset time of the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, then it will be obligatory to give sadqat ul-fitr for each remaining round.


2) No.


3) Delaying the tawāf in question outside its allocated time without a valid sharī’ah excuse will warrant a penalty.


And Allah, the Almighty, knows best,

Mufti Sufyan

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