Marriage contracts and second marriages!
An important issue within marriage is related to the conditions within the contract. A contract is an agreement between two parties that the law will enforce. The central part of the contract is that of agreement made voluntarily between the two parties to the contract. Islamically, both the parties can insert clauses and conditions within …
The Hijab
The meaning of Hijab Hijab literally means a barrier. In the Arabic language, ‘Haajib’ means a guard and a protector, who prevents people who are disliked, from entering the premises. Hijab technically means the covering women have been ordered to abide by. This prevents lustful gazes and protects women in general. The ruling …
Wiping over the socks
Wiping over the socks is permitted as a substitute in washing the feet when performing wudhu (ablution) for men and women alike, even if the socks are of a thick material other than leather and may have laces. For wiping over the socks to be permissible …
The Fiqh of Takfeer
A serious matter and the two extremes The reality is that it is a very serious matter to call a Muslim Kaafir or to call a Kaafir a Muslim. The Noble Qur’aan has stated regarding calling a Muslim Kaafir: “O you who have Imaan! When you travel in Allaah’s way, then verify (when people …
For which supplications should the hands be raised ?
Question: Can one raise the hands when reciting the supplications after eating food? Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, In principle there are two types of supplications: 1) Supplications for timely-needs, such as supplicating for the fulfilment of some personal task, for example supplicating to succeed in ones …
How do i calculate my Zakah
Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam and is a duty performed on a regular basis. Zaikai is a contribution paid once a year on savings of two and a half percent. This giving is to “cleanse” your money and possessions from excessive desire for them or greed. The idea is, that by …
Fasting FAQs
Q: Does swallowing one’s own saliva whilst fasting break the fast?A: No, irrespective of the amount swallowed. However, it is disliked to deliberately gather one’s own saliva in the mouth and swallow it whilst fasting. Q: Does applying eye drops invalidate the fast as eye drops can be tasted in the mouth?A: No, even …
Ramadhan and fasting
Fasting is a major part of Islam and is amongst its main pillars. Fasting is a way of expressing love and devotion for one’s creator. Prayer (salaah) is an expression of one’s humility; a person stands before his creator, bows before Him, and puts his head on the ground in complete submission and humility. …
Prayer Times
The times of the prescribed prayers are 5: The time of fajr (subh) is from the entrance of true dawn until right before sunrise. The time of zuhr is from immediately after midday (zawal) until the time when the shadow of any object is twice its own length, or according to another opinion equivalent to its own …
Faraidh, Sunan and Wajibaat of Ablution (Wudhu)
Faraidh – obligatory Wajibaat – necessary Sunnan – An act done or liked by the prophet We perform wudhu to carry out tasks which are not permissible in the state of minor impurity and to gain the reward in the hereafter, such as when we are about to pray salah, touch the Quraan, do …